Our Farm

Our main objective at our farm is to use products that grown naturally, directly at the farm.  

For us, we want our clients to experience the full farm setting as soon as you arrive.  Get greeted from our run free Chicks and Roosters.  

As you walk in, look around, as most of our products are grown on the farm.  From our Rose Garden, our Herb Garden, Vegetable Garden and much more.  You will be able to see, touch, taste and eventually drink our craft products, made at the Farm! 

You will have a sense and a better appreciation of your food and product provenance.

Our Main Star - Haskap Berries

Our farm is over 75 acres of farm land, which over 5 acres is dedicated to our Haskap Orchard.   

We planted over 5000 naturally Grown Haskap Berries Trees.  

You will be able to purchase or go to our U-Pick (summer 2024).  Or you can simply taste one of our concoction from our Distillery and Boutique.

Haskap Berries

Craft Distillery | Distillerie artisanale




Our partners play a major role at our farm.  *Full list coming soon

*Veuillez noter que notre page en français va être disponible sou peu.  Merci de votre compréhension !